November 1, 2012

4th Week MTC Post

Hoe gaat het met u? Dank u well for the letters you all sent :) means a lot. 

So I hope halloween was fun for you all :) sounds like it was.. They don't do anything here for halloween. But sister Jucahau's mom sent a bunch of tiny klein pumkins and we drew on em lol. Also cool, the office elders over in the Netherlands sent us a package of stroop wafels :) they're very much good. oh! and I made a geest (ghost) out of tissues and drew a face on it and hooked it to my suit coat hehhehheh (who ever thought that I'm not creative? hehe). 

I've been using 2Nephi 31 and Alma 32 a lot in our lessons. I love Het Boek Van Mormon :) het is heel geweldig. Whenever we need a good scripture to get our point across that's what we use :). You know what I would recommend? (look out , lol I'm getting preachy;) I recommend when you study the scriptures, to get a journal/notebook to write in while you study. Just mark down the main things you learn. You don't have to write down every little thing you read. Just what hit you strongest. It's ten times better when you study that way. I know, cause I was a crappy studier before I left lol. I'm not saying I'm pro now, but I am better :).

The Dutch, well, I'm not gonna say I'm good at it lol. Cause I'm not. But I'm way better then I was :). I can pronounce most words, (like 'w' sounds like a 'v' and 'v' sounds like a 'f' and 'j' makes a 'ya' sound :) and a whole host of other things) and I can talk kinda sometimes and usually understand what my teachers are saying. They have a thing called TRC where you teach like a home teaching lesson to other people in you language. So we've done that twice now and taught all sorts of dutch speakers. It's hard, but it's fun :). I love this language. I love that it's kinda close to english and I'm so looking forward to when I can actually speak it with people for reals. When I think about it I actually know a fair amount over Dutch :) our teachers are awesome. And my District is too. 

We got ten new english elders yesterday (actually 8. the other two were delayed cause of the storms on the east coast. I hope everything is alright over there. we don't hear much). The new Danish elder in our district is a cool guy. He's hard core cause he's learning the language all by himself. 

I hope that everything keeps going good at home :) 

love, sincerely, awesomely, leukly (can't really say that lol), epicly and from the MTC (so always trying to be spiritually),

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