October 6, 2014

Wettest on the Mission

This week has been good. I know, sounds very general, but we've been able to teach more than the week before and had some really good meetings with people. It is fascinating to see the different reasons why people choose to meet with us. 

Maybe they want to learn about who we are, they're just kind of curious. Often they want to learn more about the Book of Mormon, or about Christ. Often they're interest is fairly vague, and meet because we really want to and they're not against it so why not?

But those that really are interested in learning something are great to talk with. I love hearing why people think the way they do, and what their own experiences are.

We went to the zoo today, and that was great. We were biking home Saturday night, after watching conference at a member’s house (btw, conference was great. I've watched all but the last session. I'm sure you all enjoyed it as well. Man, I’m looking forward to the printed version cause there are several that I really want to review. How about Elder Christofferson for example? great eh?) 

Anyways, we were biking home and it was dark, and the wind picked up and lo and behold the heavens broke and it started pouring. 

Now, I’ll mention that  it was warm and sunny on the way there. We all had shirt sleeves on. And then, man, an ocean dumped on our heads. Literally within two minutes I was soaked. And the next half hour got me soakeder. We were laughing, then the rain was like stinging, and so we started yelling, then we started singing, cause you know, that’s what you do when your sanity breaks... We made it home good though. 

I think that might be record for wettest on mission. A couple other times come close, but this was worse... It was hilarious. My shoes are still wet from it. 

I love you all. So glad to hear Sister Texas got home safe :)
Enjoy the week!
Elder Chantry

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