September 30, 2013

7 Days That Rocked

I decided this Monday that I was going to have a good day each day this week. Monday was a great day, and I felt that I could have a good one each day this week, if not a great one (I know, sounds like the slogan to the Roxy theater).
But I really did, it was a great day each day of the week..

Let me lay it Out:

Tuesday on exchange with the Zone Leaders we had a cool lesson with a less active church member, he's a writer, writing a fantasy book. I told him I want a copy when it's done :) sweet guy...
Then, we met a guy named A. on the street from Cameroon who said he would meet with us cause (several reasons) but he was impressed that young guys like us would go around doing what we do. Also he felt that if he had done more with religion then it would have helped is family... for sure........We met on Saturday and he's willing to keep meeting. 

On Wednesday, we had our zone dinges, and I learned some great stuff. My grandpa E. Andrews (trainers trainer) is going home at the end of this transfer, in a few weeks. He is a zone leader in the new zone. I don't know if I ever mentioned to you, but when I first came here there were four zones. Now, we've grown, and we have 6 zones. And the goal is to build a 5th stake here in the Netherlands :)

Thursday we met up with a former investigator who was super happy to see us, and we're gonna meet with her some more. See if she's ready now to go further...

Friday we met again with A. and K. They're doing great, but still waiting till they get a place to stay permanent.

Saturday, we met with P. again, and he was saying some of the same things again. That he was waiting for God to tell him which church he should serve him through. So, I told him, set a date for baptism with us. And tell God that it's your goal, and that if you find out this church is true by that time, then you'll join it. He agreed, and we had a kneeling prayer at the end, in which he prayed and really seriously asked God to know the true church. If he keeps asking with sincerity, he'll get that answer :)

Sunday we had a great day with the members, and they had a great presentation on family history websites etc. The church is really doing great making deals with other organizations to share and spread around info for everyone. I love it
After that, we walked around the city looking up former investigators. We probably walked like 9 kilometers or so :) we were tired when we got back. heheh

So cool though, cause we did numbers last night, and the district did a Great job this week :) they're on a role. This week was great.

So, ya
That was my week.
I hope to have another like it :-)
Love you guys
Elder  Chantry

September 23, 2013

Time Flies

I say,
The week goes fast.

We had district meeting this week, and I was all in charge of it. Man. different ... Still gotta perfect that :)
But Elder P. and I made these notecards for everyone that has like our transfer motto on it (ya, I came up with it) and then I drew a very accurate stick figure of each person. We added some funny stuff on the back and I dare say they were awesome. Yes, I’m biased, but we had fun. .

We met with some people as well, but to be honest not a lot. We struck out on a lot of appointments. We looked up a lot of formers, and found out when we gotta meet with G.. But we're hoping for a busy week this coming
We have a zone dinges this Wednesday, should be good. And we are going to get some new investigators. That’s faith speaking

The district is doing great. They all have people with baptism dates that they're teaching, and they're working hard.

|I asked elder P. what we learned this week. And he said that we learned how to accept defeat graciously. Rough lesson but we learned it well lol. :) We're looking forward to a bright week this coming 

I'm at a blank for things to say, so I’ll stop before what I say starts to become unintelligent (ah, too late)

Tot zients!
Elder Chantry 
The cards for district meeting.

September 16, 2013

Exceedingly Fast First Week of Transfers

It's always like that. The thursday--sunday at first are SUPER long. But the first full week flies by. Like this week. So fast. We have some cool appointments for this coming week set up. Like two kids from a less active family. one is ten and one is eight. They're soo cool. They want to be baptized cause they aren't yet. And so we're meeting with em so they can.

Elder P. and I are having fun. For reals. He's so funny, and we have so many running jokes :)
He has lots of good insight about what we could do to improve our work, or have better insights etc. I don't think he realizes how much he helps. He's struggling with his dutch, and he sometimes thinks he doesn't do much. But he keeps a positive and humorous attitude and it helps a lot.
The same applies for us in our lives a lot actually. Sometimes we don't think we have much to offer cause we can't do this or that. But we don't always notice what we do do well.
 The district did well this week. Especially one city called Leuven. They set three baptism dates in one day. Sweet huh?? :D I was so happy for 'em. They were busy the whole day, and have a great group of people to teach now. All three of those people they got dates with are people they found on the street. They followed the spirit on that for sure.
That's somehting me and Elder P. are convinced of. We want to make sure to follow the spirit more in finding. Even when it's awkward or hard. And we will :) I'll tell you guys how it goes, next week :)

I'm gonna run. when I say run I mean something entirely different. But you get the idea....

love you guys :)
Elder Chantry

September 9, 2013

Having a Blast

So like hi :)

I got a new comp. As you know.
Boy, for only a few days we've had a blast.
We, to explain:
Didn't have the baptism with N. :/... he needs marriage papers before he can. It's a complicated situation...

But in good news we had some referrals we were looking up and we got some potentials...Get this. We were looking up a guy named G. And we had the wrong address on the street so we couldn't find him. I was like dang. Then Elder P. said: hey look, there's a car with a license plate that says G. on it. I was like, no way.  That’s just too convenient.. so we didn't stop there. But on the way back he mentioned it again and I was like why the heck not. So we knocked there, and of course, G. lived there.  So he was so right. And I was so proud of my son. Wiser than yours truly heheh

We had some drunk ladies (who were having some bachelorette party) stop us and try to convince us to spend a euro and buy some booze from ‘em. They were just on the sidewalk and they got in front of us. I was trying to tell them no but they wouldn't listen. Then they thought we only spoke English, then I spoke in Dutch so they were like ok. And kept asking us. Oh man, you should've seen Elder P.'s face when the drunkest chick put her arms around us both and continued to try to convince us. He was so scared... I laughed so hard for like hours after that. So funny....:) (Don’t worry we didn't buy any booze)

Dudes, Elder P. is great. I love him. He's so funny, and so much of it is my kind of humor too. :) Working great.

I love you guys! Gotta go. Looking forward to district mtg tomorrow.
Elder Chantry!!

September 3, 2013

Changes and Testimony

Well I thought id start emails today with just plain old me.
I know right, humble as all get out.

But not just me, Elder K.
Elder K. is getting transferred up north east into the Netherlands. I’m gonna miss the dude. He's a cool guy. He doesn't want to leave the people we know here, but he's accepted it. He's ready. He’s going with someone who’s on his 3rd transfer now, so they're gonna learn a lot :)

As for me, I'm staying and training another greenie. And I’m gonna take Elder P.’s place (he's going to the office to be legality elder) as District leader.
 And ya, quite a change. But I know the Lord'll help me. Cause it's not for me, it's for the district. And the Lord zeker  (certainly) wants to help them. I want to be able to help more, and I’m gonna try my best to live up to the calling.

We had an awesome stake bbq the other day and A. and K. went. They liked it. We had fun.

We also had a zone pday today that rocked the world. We had a Nerf war. Not just that, but we fought zombies. Can you imagine, 20 some missionaries, defending with Nerf weapons, all slowly turning into zombies? :D childish? Yes. Hence me loving it hehee. We have some awesome Zone leaders. They organized a great one.  

We have a baptism Sunday for N. :) so cool. Assuming all goes through, it's gonna be great. We had a great appointment with him the other day. After church yesterday we had a lesson and the branch president sat in. We were teaching the first lesson in the gospel principles book (which, btw, has become one of my favorite books ever. no joke) And we started talking about how we can know our Father better. President H. shared the story of how he was baptized and it was so powerful. And it really invited the Spirit. I asked N. something, and he began to share his story of how he came to know the church was true. As I listened I could almost see things as if I had been there. I could imagine the steps and the struggles he had to gain that knowledge. He said something that meant a lot to me. And I’ve been thinking about it a lot.

He said that he had been looking for a church that he could be a part of. He wanted to know where God wanted him. And he shared how he had met the elders one day and then soon there after read in the Book of Mormom  like the elders had asked, and then he went to bed. But he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking that he needed to pray. They had told him to pray. So he got out and said a normal prayer like usual, saying the same old things, and went to bed. But still, he couldn't sleep. The thought kept running through his mind: ''you read the book, you want to know if it's true, then why don't you ask God, REALLY ask Him, if it's true. Why don't you do what it takes to receive that answer?''  He, said that he got out of bed and prayed again. But for reals this time. Praying Humbly to know if this was what he was looking for. If He had led them to him.

I saw in my mind, at this point, myself. Living the years I have. Always hearing about how if you pray and ask God and all that, you can receive a witness  ==and that that witness can strengthen and help you when it gets hard to see the truth==
But I am ashamed when I think of the times I didn't do what I needed to, to receive an answer. A confirmation.
  I want to tell you all: There should be nothing holding you back from doing what N. did. Whether it be about the Book of Mormon, the church, life decisions, guidance, comfort, help, or someone to listen to you. Kids, there is no age limit to when you can receive answers from God. He gives to EVERYONE. Who ask in Faith. That means you believe you’ll receive it. And with Real Intent. That means you really are willing to act on what He tells you. No matter what.

Don't let Satan convince you not to pray. Remember the scripture--'but the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, But teacheth him that he must not pray''. It seems obvious, but I have seen that again and again in my life, as I look back on my few years.

You don't have to struggle through everything in life. God wants to reach out and touch you. But He can't. Not until you cross that last bit of distance between you and Him. I know it's hard. Prophets themselves said that real meaningful prayer, is difficult, hard work. But I can promise you with every ounce of certainty that I have, that it's worth it. You will Never regret it. And it can shape your life in the future, and support you in the Now.

I'll stop.
I love you all so much. I hope you can feel it. Please let me know if I can help any of you in any way.
Thinking of you all,
Elder Chantry
Picture of us after the battle today. yes, I did jump over the top of everyone in this pic. And yes, I did make a shield out of pizza boxes and duct tape. and yes I did use a foam sword whilst all others used guns.
And yes, it did make me awesome, and epic, and have a spectacular time