February 25, 2013

New Companion, Elder Larson

What’s awkward? …..
leaving the apartment to look up a former investigator and then having to tell your comp that you don't know their address (causing you to have to go back)
                 Or taking the bus to Almere Haven to a dinner appt, but getting off one stop too late cause you thought it was the right one (the same one I went to when I got stuck on the bus weeks ago. I hate De Grienden lol). Which then forces you to hurry jog back to the last stop and find the address....
yaaaaaaaaaaa that's kinda how it works when your trainer leaves and you gotta show your comp around the city. But of course his bike will be broke down, so you have to take the bus all the time (which I rarely did before) so it's almost like I don’t know anything about the city (which is dangerously close to fact)
        But to be honest, things went extremely better then I thought they would (having had horrid dark images of being lost in the city with out my planner or phone. or some similar hideous thing;)
        I've been able to get us around pretty well. And elder Larson got his bike kinda fixed (it still only has one working gear)......But that's kinda how it is when your at the end of your mission. Elder Larson is on his second to last transfer. He's an OLD man, and he has so much stuff that's breaking down lol it's really funny...:) He's a cool guy. He's from San Diego, born and raised (which I assured him was indeed a wonderful thing:) especially since he said I have a place to stay next time go to San Diego :Dhehehe)       
 He has 3 older bros and one older sis. He’s the youngest. His parents are gonna come pick him up here. And he likes snowboarding too: D so that's an awesome thing.
He really isn't trunky lol in case you all were wondering. We work hard, and he really is on top of getting things done. He remembers stuff and that's very valuable (especially cause he's working with me;)

I've made more phone calls, talked to more members, and investigators then ever. ':) Cause I kinda have to heheh. It’s really been good for me. I’ve improved quite a bit. My Dutch has really been coming along, and Elder Larson has got a good big vocab :) so that comes in handy.

There for sure is more stress. That’s kinda how it works. I gotta make sure stuff happens. But I keep praying.

This transfer is a small teeny 4 weeks. Then it goes back to normal 6. There's a chance I could leave this coming transfer (I really hope not)
Take care all,

Elder Chantry

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