April 29, 2013

The Netherlands

So, owing to the many questions and repeated inquiries posed by many various parties concerning the nature and specific happenings of this fine mission, I have taken it upon my humble (and exceptionally capable) self to condescend to your level and indulge your eager minds with the glorious details of this magnificent portion of the Lord's vineyard:

(Well, enough of that;)

I’m gonna start with what the Netherlands is like. First off, "Holland" is a province within the Netherlands (although the whole country is sometimes called Holland just cause people decided they would say that). The Province is (if you wanna pull out the map on google at this point) is kinda the arm part of the Netherlands, that sticks out (but if you google it i think you can get a better map)
Even though the country is super small there's a lot of people here and the language accent varies quite greatly. In many areas there are even other dialects that we as missionaries can't even understand (but we don't have to speak it cause like all those people speak Dutch as well) ...........

The church is actually pretty small here. There are three stakes in Nederland (Den Haag, Appeldoorn, Rotterdam) and one that is the south part of Nederland and the north part of Belgium combined (Antwerpen) That's where I am now, in that stake. 

The ward I’m in now is actually one of the biggest. There were about 100 people there Sunday. There are lots of branches in this country 15-40 people in a branch is pretty normal. But things have been growing lately....

Here in Breda we had been taking the bus a lot to work, but we fixed Elder Sosa's bike so now we've been biking. It's pretty big city, but manageable. I can't say I know it really super well. But I know the bus routes and we have maps on the phone and I could get around when I need to. (hopefully)

Recent news. We just got today. Elder Sosa and I are staying here for another transfer (YEah!!) But, we're getting another elder. Elder Wayman. We're gonna be in a 3some now. (heheh)...so we'll have to see how things go. gonna make things kinda crowded, but I bet some good stuff comes out of it. We’ll see............

               Elder Sosa and I have been doing great together. Rowena is getting baptized this coming Sunday (:D) and the ward is happy to have her. Thank you all for your prayers for her, and for the others we're teaching. We'll still going with them (last Monday our investigator named Judith decided to stop smoking :) so were gonna follow up with that and see how it goes:)
We also found a Chinese student this last Saturday so we're trying to teach him as well......things are good here :)

ok. Ik moet toch wel weg. maar, ik wens jullie een vijne week and sucess met alle de noodzakelijke dingen (maar meer de leuke lekker dingen ;) 

Elder Chantry

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