January 27, 2014

The DC4-Reaper Has Landed!

The training went well. I enjoyed it. I think they got the message too. Elder T. and I made space helmets. Out of tinfoil and coat hangers. I was pleased :)..... as far as decorations that was all, but we did make videos that were played throughout the training. The idea with that was to keep it interesting. The main part was the workshops. My companion our sister training leader and I each did a section. We split the zone into 3 groups and had them move every thirty minutes. It was cool cause we based it off of one of president’s trainings from a while back that we felt they needed. There were six points to it so we each did 2. I talked about setting spiritual goals and staying on purpose to find teach and baptize. . Cool thing was we never told them that's what we were doing. We just taught the points and at the end we gave them time to write down their ideas and plans at the end....
Anyways, it went well. The zone really liked it, and from what I’ve heard I think it taught the desired message.....

As zone leaders we for sure still have time to teach people and go finding and everything. There's just more time than usual spent on random stuff. For example, after the training on Wednesday, we cleaned up, and then we had to drive to the mission office in Leiden to get a key for some elders who had locked themselves out of their place. Then we came back and taught a lesson to a less active mom who wants to start coming back. Then we drove to the elder’s city and gave them the key.. . just random......

For example, we went on two exchanges this week, and while I was gone Elder T. got let in to a potential investigator’s house. They taught her the first lesson and set a baptism date with her for March and set weekly appointments. Really cool! We’ve been really trying to pick the work up in this area. And it's coming around. Another mother and her two daughters we're teaching are also reading in the Book of Mormon, and are making progress again. :) So it's working.

Love you guys!
ELder Chantry
Zone Space Training

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