July 14, 2014

Straf Schoten zijn de slechtste manier om een wedstrijd te beslissen

Wednesday night,
I lay on the ground.
With my heart broken.
(in pieces)

I would go on and rant about it, but I discovered sadly enough that it doesn't help.

I'm proud they got 3rd. That's cool.
Maar niet de beker.

Anyways, they played well. I enjoyed watching.
And other things happened this week as well. We started teaching several new people in our area. Things keep picking up.

The zone is still doing well. We worked on exchanges a lot this week. And we had stupidly humid weather. It could be a decent 23 degrees, but because it's so humid, it's terrible. I just sweat. wah wah. It's nice and green here. We were at a member’s house and they were showing us their garden, and it made me want to plant things. We bought a basilicum plant, and that's sitting in the appartment. Otherwise, we have a tree growing out the side of the building between cracks in the brick. That’s about it though.

I'm rambling now. 

I let you go now. I'll send pics volgende week.
hey, fijne week!!


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